Saturday, October 31, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Europe - Last Look at Eden

I bet you did not know that Europe have released 8 albums. And i'll double the bet and say that i bet you have not heard one other Europe song that their 'one hit wonder' Final Countdown . Well either had i until i decided to check out this 2009 release Last Look at Eden Listening to it you realise the thin line between making it big and being consigned to the scrap heap of garbage that never gets played on the radio. If triple J played some of these songs and said that it was some new american 80's nostalgia band the kids today would love it. In truth some of these songs sound more like early 2000's songs from bands such as audioslave or velvet revolver, songs built around big power riffs, and cheesy lyrics. In fact the lyrics are so cheesy that it's really the big give away. "Can't recall what set it off, Just how it started, Or how to make it stop, Why is enough never enough
I'm wide awake, We've got lift-off"
. That's pure gold.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fridge - Happiness

there's an old saying "patience is a virtue, possess it while you can, often in a woman, never in a man" or some variant of that. It's true for me. I am the least patient person i know. I never line up for things, i can't stand waiting for other people and i'd rather go without something that i wanted than waste a second of time waiting for it. Sometimes it's mood dependent, i'm more likely to be impatient if i'm in a terrible mood already. And generally i like to make some form of audible scene in order for other around me to realise just how impatient i am. You know, like a huge sigh, or guffaw, or a muffled "COME ON"! through grtiied teeth. or alternatively a physical sign, like clenched fists, or wide open eyes or throwing something to the ground in anger. The point is fridge have hidden some absolutely gems in between long periods of.., well.., noise. The titles of the tracks should be a warning; Tone guitar and drum noise, drum machine and glockenspiel, sample and clicks they are basically what they say they are, musical pieces created with these instruments or though whether they are in fact "musical" is debateable. There is no question though that amongst it all Five Four Child Voices is a standout track and a few other moments of joy make you twonder whether it's worth sitting through the rest of it to get to. for me it's not.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

REM - New Adventures in Hi-fi

a strange beast this REM album. following a run of hits including 1992's smash hit automatic for the people but more importantly 94's faux-concept album and less widely recieved monster REM were at a crossroads of world domination or alienation of a facile and fleeting public. This album, whilst truer to their signature sound than monsters' all distortion and noise, was probably still too left of field to appeal to the unconvinced out of time, atomatic.. hangers on. for their real fans it recalled previous sounds and memories, e-bow the letter is a modernised country leaver, bittersweet me a slowed down version of cant get there form here wake up bomb a sequel to popsong 89. As it turns out REM were to reveal ( pun intended ) that they weren't at the end of their creative road and still had something to offer both hardened fans and the great unwashed with later releases

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009