Sunday, August 30, 2009

Does it offend you, yeah? - You have no idea what you're getting yourself in to

In case you didn't already know, at the top of all blogspot pages ( this blogging site ) there is a tab that says "next blog" which apparently takes you to the next blog in a randomly organised list of all the blogs on the blogspot domain. Initially, and somewhat naively, i thought that all the blogs were arranged like rows of houses, so that my neighbouring blog would always be my neighbouring blog, so it was with some trepidation that i clicked on the "next blog" tab for the first time. I mean what if my neighbour was a white supremacist site, or cat murders of the world site, or worse still another album a day site? I have sinced realised that there is no "neighbourhood" in blogland and that clicking on the tab merely takes you to a random blog that changes each time you click. but the first time i clicked this is what came up. The ever reliable translation service Babel fish tells me that the name of the site in English is "Thickly without stupid on discovery route: One year New Zealand and other liquor ideas". From the pictures it appears to be a blog based on the travels of a young german girl who was living in NZ and is now travelling throughout the US..even without knowing what she is talking about it is completely fascinating and i'm a relying on my learned father to translate what is happening so i can fully understand this adventure. Anyway, it's a pity their is no neighbourhood in blogland because "Thickly without stupid" seems to be a very apt slogan for our street.

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