Friday, July 3, 2009

Sebadoh - Bake Sale

I've never (gulp) owned a sebadoh album. Although i was very much a fan of other lo-fi artists such as pavement, weezer, dinosaur jnr and yo la tengo, i never actually went out and bought a sebadoh album. I think it's because i was always put off by their album covers. They're by no means horrendous, but they just make me feel ill looking at them. I mean why is that baby looking in the toilet? has he just done a poo and now reaching in to touch it? worse, has someone else done a poo and he's reaching in to touch it. who puts a photo of their naked child on an album cover anyway? This is the album i should've owned, it's their most acclaimed and has most of the songs that i have heard or listened to when younger. It's also probably most in tune with the sound of Dinosaur Jnr, of which Sebadoh Bass player Lou Barlow was also a member. Songs like 'Not too amused' and 'Skull' showcase this perfectly. It's an album worth a listen, and good for reminiscing and at least now i don't have to look at the frigging baby on the cover whenever i want to play it.

1 comment:

  1. Sebadoh were the Megadeth of the lo-fi world, formed in protest at an unfair dismissal and going on to occasionaly shine in their own light. The "true fans" hate this album for being too pop, but it is my favourite (despite the cover).

    Not Too Amused and Skull are my two favourites as well. Did you know Skull was written not as an ode to oral sex or even Kerry O'Keefe, it is about the times he used to go tripping with Evan Dando.
